Sally Face cosplayers I've met at cons.

As Sally Face has gotten more and more popular, I've begun taking photos with willing other Sally Face cosplayers at conventions. I'll list the con and year of the photo. I don't know who any of these cosplayers are, apart from one who I've been in contact with after meeting at the convention.

These photos are all from Indiana comic con 2024

These are from comic con 2023, where I only saw one other cosplayer.

This time at Gen Con 2021 was my earliest run in with another Sally Face cosplayer, which was sadly right at the end of the day and I was rushing as to not miss my ride. Sadly, the photo is blurry as a result, and I've tried to edit it to make it clearer but have had no luck. If anyone knows the Sal in the photo and thinks they have the less blurry copies, I'd love to see them. I'll post both the original (blurry) one, and the 'I tried so hard to clean it up' one.
